Friday, August 30, 2013

God mend thine every flaw

This video has been posted on Facebook with the tag line: "The most bad ass version of the National Anthem I have ever heard."  Give it a go:

The only thing missing from this video is a muscle-bound Jesus in camo pants and a slashed t-shirt, waving the flag or cocking an AK-47.  This is an anthem based on military victory, not on the beauty of our nation or the compassion of its citizens and our willingness to sacrifice not only on the battlefield but for the poor, the homeless, the undereducated and underpaid, the incarcerated, those without health care, the hungry, the outcast, the unloved.

Not since WWII have we had to defend our nation from an enemy attack, and since then we know better about the cost of a war and that, recently, to respond with force is a choice that has more to do with national interests, politics, and fear that it does with restoring justice and balance.  I know some will disagree vehemently:  "What about 9/11?!  Was not that an enemy attack?"  Yes, but it was also a reaction against an empire, striking not at military targets but at targets that represent the real force of American power in this world.

We have not been able to change our anthem from "The Star Spangled Banner" to "America (O Beautiful, For Spacious Skies)" as some would like because, as a nation, we still rush to war more than we make efforts toward peace.  We have great pride for those who serve in the military but do not do nearly enough when our daughters and sons come home broken in spirit and in body.  And the question "Is this too high a price to pay for freedom?" goes unasked. 

I don't know about you, but my freedom has never been interrupted by Afghanistan or Iraq.  I was not asked to sacrifice a thing while we waged war for TEN, expensive years.  But there are others in this country who cannot marry if they wish.  Many cannot earn a living wage or afford college.  Some folks have to choose between rent, heat, and food.  That's not what I call the home of the free.  If we're going to go to battle, the true equality of every citizen would be something worth fighting for.

"America, America!  God mend thine every flaw.
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law."

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